There is a Semitic saying that goes something like this: “God loves stories, so God created the human person” and if there is any truth in that saying it certainly comes alive in this book, Dear Mother Dear Father Letters Home from Father John Corcoran Wallis 1927 –...
Our News
We, Missionary Sisters of Service, keep busy in our various communities. We host and attend events, are busy with different projects, and happenings. On this page, you’ll find links to all our latest news and events, reflections and books.
Yarra Theological Union hosts launch of Dear Mother Dear Father
"It is an honour to have been invited to launch Dear Mother Dear Father Letters Home from John Corcoran Wallis 1927-1949. In so doing, I am also pleased to be able to pay tribute to Bernadette Wallis, whose vision, scholarship and dedication have come to fruition in...
Catholic Religious Australia expresses condolences to Sri Lankan communities
We are deeply shocked and saddened by the horrific bombings that took place in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, 21 April. In response to these tragic events, a letter of condolence from our Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) President, Monica Cavanagh rsj, has been sent to...