On Wednesday 27 November, some of our Melbourne sisters, including Stancea Vichie MSS, Bernadette Wallis MSS and Bernadette Madden MSS, gathered with members of the John Wallis Highways and Byways Hobart branch, to acknowledge their wonderful work with the John Wallis...
Our News
We, Missionary Sisters of Service, keep busy in our various communities. We host and attend events, are busy with different projects, and happenings. On this page, you’ll find links to all our latest news and events, reflections and books.
MSS archives leave Hobart, for Melbourne
On Monday 25 November, while members of the Melbourne-based MSS were still in Hobart following the Bruny Island pilgrimage, we had the ‘official farewell’ of our MSS archives from Hobart. We gathered at State Cinema coffee shop across from The Wallis Centre in Hobart,...
Celebrating 100 years of the Catholic Deaf community in Victoria
In May 2024, members of the Deaf community gathered at the John Pierce Centre (JPC) to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Catholic Deaf Association in Victoria. Visitors came from interstate to celebrate. A special celebratory Mass was held on...
2023 Fr John Wallis Scholarship recipient announced
The MSS are delighted to announce that Geraldine Vytilingam is the recipient of the 2023-2024 Fr John Wallis Scholarship. Geraldine, 23, will use the inaugural scholarship (awarded in 2022) to pursue a Masters of Theological Studies through Catholic Theological...
Marking the 90-year anniversary of Fr John’s ordination
On 18 December 2022, we celebrate and acknowledge the 90-year anniversary of ordination of our founder, Fr John Wallis. We have so much to be grateful for! And the fact that he established our community of women in 1944, we’re so fortunate that all of us MSS knew and...
Deepening connection: John Wallis Heritage Trail Yea
The founder of the Missionary Sisters of Service, Fr John Corcoran Wallis, is originally from Yea, in country Victoria, about an hour and a half's drive from our Melbourne sisters. Born in 1910, ordained a priest at 22-years for the Archdiocese of Hobart (December...
John Wallis Lecture, 6 October 2022`
The 2022 John Wallis Lecture is taking place on Thursday 6 October, both in person and via Zoom! All are invited to hear guest speaker, Elissa Roper, presenting on the topic, Baptismal Responsibility, a Spirit-led Church for Today's World. An especially exciting...
My introduction to Fr John Wallis
Reflection by Catherine Carr, MSS Coordinator Fr John Wallis was born on 11th June 1910 in the Victorian country town of Yea. On 9th June 2022, 112 years after his birth, at the Melbourne home of his niece Bernadette Wallis, several MSS women and staff gathered to...
Thank you to our volunteers
Having just celebrated National Volunteer Week in Australia (16-22 May), we wanted to take this opportunity to thank all volunteers and especially to our volunteers, Mary Williams and Sallie Lang working in the MSS Archives at The Wallis Centre in Hobart, Tasmania....
Lecture to seek conversion of heart and action
The 2021 John Wallis Memorial Lecture on Wednesday 27 October at 7pm will call participants to a conversion of heart and action as they seek to live an authentic response to the Gospel. Dr Wayne Tinsey will be the 2021 Memorial lecturer speaking on the topic, 'Around...
2021 John Wallis Walk, Hobart
Each year our mission entity Highways and Byways - A Community of Service hosts the 'Yarck to Yea' Walk Run Ride fundraising event in Victoria. Funds raised go toward Highways and Byway's fabulous work in supporting people and communities experiencing hardship and...
Remembering Fr John Wallis 20 years on from his death
During his long life a cloak of gentleness gathered about him, Yet he was ever ready to challenge, to stir, Yet equally to affirm, encourage and trust That the Spirit was at work in everyone, everything, everywhere – A man with a big heart. On 3 August 2021, we mark...