Our News


We, Missionary Sisters of Service, keep busy in our various communities. We host and attend events, are busy with different projects, and happenings. On this page, you’ll find links to all our latest news and events, reflections and books.

At the dawn of the new year

At the dawn of the new year

As we settle into the rhythm of a new year, we share this reflection penned by Corrie van den Bosch MSS for the Contemplative Evolution Network. Corrie writes, "You might appreciate the themes it touches on, as I appreciate them and make them my new year’s...

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Betwixt darkness and light

Betwixt darkness and light

In this powerful and poignant reflection, Corrie van den Bosch MSS contemplates all that we hold, between the light and dark of our world, and our experiences as created beings. A visit to Port Arthur, on the Tasman Peninsula, on Tasmania's east coast, reminds her of...

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Mary Cleary MSS, on life and mission

Mary Cleary MSS, on life and mission

This year, Mary Cleary celebrated the diamond jubilee (60-year anniversary) of when she first joined the MSS. She was 22 years old, and had moved from her hometown of Warwick, a town about 130 kilometres south-west of Brisbane, Queensland, to join the community down...

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Frances McShane MSS, a life of service and welcome

Frances McShane MSS, a life of service and welcome

Frances McShane MSS was born in Broadmarsh, Tasmania and is one of nine in the family. She joined the MSS in 1960 and was professed on the Feast of the Assumption, 15 August 1963. Reflecting on her time as an MSS and some of the stories that remain close to her heart,...

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My introduction to Fr John Wallis

My introduction to Fr John Wallis

Reflection by Catherine Carr, MSS Coordinator Fr John Wallis was born on 11th June 1910 in the Victorian country town of Yea. On 9th June 2022, 112 years after his birth, at the Melbourne home of his niece Bernadette Wallis, several MSS women and staff gathered to...

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Pondering the wonders of the universe

Pondering the wonders of the universe

Between Christmas and New Year, Corrie van den Bosch MSS spent 'five glorious days' in Victoria’s High Country, in the company of twelve members of the Catholic Walking Club of Victoria. In a reflection written for Contemplative Evolution Network, 'Room in our Hearts...

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Taking time to pause for creation

Taking time to pause for creation

Within the Christian faith tradition, the Season of Creation is from 1 September to 4 October, the feast day of St Francis of Assisi. It is a time to focus our prayers and energy on care for Earth and all of creation. To mark this season, the MSS together with...

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Until we see, a reflection

Until we see, a reflection

Corrie van den Bosch has written a reflection for Contemplative Evolution Network (CEN), of which she's a member.  CEN is a network of people who seek to change the violent and hurting situations in our world through the power and intention of contemplative time...

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