Pondering the wonders of the universe

Woman crouching in field of daisies

Between Christmas and New Year, Corrie van den Bosch MSS spent ‘five glorious days’ in Victoria’s High Country, in the company of twelve members of the Catholic Walking Club of Victoria. In a reflection written for Contemplative Evolution Network, ‘Room in our Hearts for the Wonders of the Universe’, Corrie shares, ‘The silence of the High Country is profound. It seeped into my soul, setting me free from my normal preoccupations. No radio or television, no news bulletins.

‘This was a time to simply Be in the beauty and grandeur of our surroundings. At night, the black moonless sky, brilliantly studded with stars and galaxies, drew me deeper into the mystery of the Cosmos. I felt so privileged to be there, to be blessed with the health and fitness to explore such wild places, to breathe in the abundance of nature, and at its heart, the Sacred Presence that is almost palpable in such places.’

Having come down from the serenity and peace of the mountain, immersed in everyday life with ‘its noise, tensions and violence’, Corrie goes on to explore and unpack the question, ‘What is at the root of the unrest pervading our world’ and offers some helpful reflections on how we can be more open to the wonders of creation, and thus be ‘more human’.

Read the full reflection, here.

Bush walkers in field of daisies

Contemplative Evolution Network

Corrie van den Bosch MSS has been part of the Contemplative Evolution Network (CEN) for four years and has written a number of reflections for CEN over this time. As explained on its website, ‘CEN is a network of people from all over the world who seek to change the violent and hurting situations in our world through the power and intention of contemplative time together, and so help evolve the world through Love.’

Photographs courtesy Peter Walker, Catholic Walking Club Victoria.