Apr 6, 2020 | Father John, News
Award-winning journalist, author and commentator, Madonna King, spoke of the remarkable relationship that John Wallis had with his mother and how through his letters he spoke of the every day things of his life. Dear Mother, Dear Father – Letters Home from John...
Mar 6, 2020 | Father John, Past Events
“History … is a gift from which to understand and attempt to make sense of our past and our present, often to make resolutions or decisions, even unconsciously, moving into a hope-filled future.” This is an excerpt from the latest book by Bernadette Wallis MSS,...
Feb 11, 2020 | Father John, Past Events
Yea held a special place in the heart of the young visionary and pastoral priest, John Corcoran Wallis, who was born at the old Yea hospital and baptised in the Yea Sacred Heart Catholic Church in 1910. He grew up in Homewood, 10 kilometres from Yea and attended the...
Dec 16, 2019 | Events, Father John
We are excited to announce that Dear Mother, Dear Father: Letters Home from John Corcoran Wallis 1927 – 1949, by Bernadette Wallis MSS, will be launched in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Toowoomba and Yea, in country Victoria, in 2020. The 100 letters written by...