Lecture to seek conversion of heart and action

Faces of two men side by side

The 2021 John Wallis Memorial Lecture on Wednesday 27 October at 7pm will call participants to a conversion of heart and action as they seek to live an authentic response to the Gospel.

Dr Wayne Tinsey will be the 2021 Memorial lecturer speaking on the topic, ‘Around the table with Pope Francis – a place and a voice for the poor‘. Personal conversion towards living and advocating for the poor, as an essential element of the Christian journey, will be one of the key challenges offered by Dr Tinsey at the lecture, which is being hosted by the Hobart branch of our mission entity, Highways and Byways – A Community of Service.

In speaking on this topic, Dr Tinsey says, ‘Our response to the plight of the poor should not be limited to generous acts but, rather, a commitment to advocating for a more just social order for all.’ He will advocate that inclusion and responding to the plight of the marginalised are priorities of the Gospel and the Christian vision for the world. Pope Francis has modelled a ‘preferential option for the poor’ within his own life as he champions a Church of and for the poor and marginalised.

‘Authenticity in mission is measured by resolve within our communities to embrace solidarity with the excluded ones. Authenticity is won through commitment to inclusion and service to the disenfranchised,’ says Dr Tinsey.

The annual lecture honours the memory and spirit of the Archdiocese of Hobart priest, Fr John Wallis, who founded the Missionary Sister of Service in Launceston in 1944. Two of our Sisters still live in Hobart.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the death of Fr Wallis who is lovingly remembered and admired as a pastoral visionary, a great listener, a man of deep prayer who had a keen mind, a compassionate heart and a peaceful spirit.

Pope Francis eating with people at the tableDr Wayne Tinsey is the Global Ambassador for Edmund Rice Education Beyond Orders, an international community of some 250 schools dedicated to justice, liberation and an option for the marginalised. He recently retired as the Executive Director of Edmund Rice Education Australia, a network of Catholic schools spanning every state and territory of Australia. He has been a frequent visitor to India and South America where he has led many immersion groups.


** 2021 John Wallis Memorial Lecture Details **

Topic: ‘Around the Table with Pope Francis – a place and a voice for the poor’ presented by Dr Wayney Tinsey

Date: Wednesday 27 October, at 7pm.

Location: Don Bosco Creative Arts Centre, Guilford Young College, Glenorchy, Tasmania. If you’d like to attend in person, please book here.

Watch a livesteam of the lecture on YouTube on Wednesday 27 October, from 7pm, here.

Hosted by the Hobart branch of the MSS’s mission entity, Highways and Byways – A Community of Service

Download flyer here.

Further information: email Penny Edman,  or call 0400 896 191 (please leave a message).