World Day for Consecrated Life


Today, February 2nd, we celebrate World Day for Consecrated Life. February 2nd is also the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. This day was chosen by Pope John Paul II to mark the World Day for Consecrated Life because it reflects how consecrated people offer their whole lives and selves to God – in the same way as Mary presented Jesus in total service of God.

The Missionary Sisters of Service are grateful to Catholic Religious Australia (CRA), who has prepared a downloadable PDF tribute to those of us who have committed our lives to consecrated life. This document includes a number of beautiful reflections from members of CRA Council.

CRA has also prepared a webpage of resources to commemorate the day (see some of the resources below).

“Consecrated life is a gift to the Church, it is born of the Church, it grows in the Church, and it is entirely directed to the Church.” Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Pope Francis to all consecrated people, 2014. 

We Missionary Sisters of Service are deeply grateful for our life of service to God and to all whom we accompany, and who accompany us, on this beautiful journey of life.


Letter from CICLSAL Addressed to Consecrated People: Read the letter from the the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CICLSAL).

Eucharistic Celebration presided by Pope Francis: Pope Francis will preside over Mass to celebrate, pray for and thank consecrated people. The Mass will be live streamed through the website of the ‘Vatican Television Center’:

  • 2 February at 5.30pm Rome time
  • 3 February 12.30am AWST and 3.30am AEDT

View more resources, here.