Each year, together with our mission entity Highways and Byways – A Community of Service, we host the Yarck to Yea Walk, Run, Ride fundraising event. Funds raised during the Walk, Run, Ride go toward small grants and programs coordinated by Highways and Byways – A Community of Service, which assist many communities across Australia, particularly in rural and remote areas. See the 2020 recipients of Highways and Byways small grants funding, here.
A group of energetic and committed participants usually gather at Yarck, whereupon we walk, run, or ride bikes along the Great Victorian Rail Trail to Yea. At this final destination we usually gather with locals from the Yea Parish for a lovely barbecue. This area is of significance to our community of women as it is the place where our founder, Fr John Wallis, was born and raised.
Sadly, due to COVID-19, this year we were unable to run the event, which had been scheduled for 22 August 2020. But this didn’t dampen ‘the spirit’ of the event, and as it turned out, nor did the rain! At the encouragement of Executive Officer of Highways and Byways – A Community of Service, Liz McAloon, people took a walk in their local area, whether it be in the city, suburbs, or bush, and then posted their photos to Facebook. We’ve included some of the photos in the gallery below, but you can see all of the posts, from across Australia on the Highways and Byways – A Community of Service Facebook page.
From Pat Kelly MSS and Kath Clune MSS, posting on the day: “Lovely weather today … well for the garden and ducks. We had our walk in our archway outside my unit,” says Pat. “We managed over 1km, which is about 2,300 steps.”
And from Corrie van den Bosch MSS, posting on the day with her photos: “Yea! Yea! I miss you today for my ride, run and walk on your rail trail. So I walked locally and photographed merrily and share my ride run walk virtually. Among other things missing from this virtual day is my Giddy Goat breakfast at Yarck. And though it is still early, I know I will miss the barbecue and company at lunch time. Yea! Yea! I miss you today!”
In Victoria we’re still limited by COVID-19 restrictions, so we’ve had to get creative in our fundraising efforts, given we’re unable to gather in person at this time. With this in mind, Highways and Byways – A Community of Service warmly invites you to share a meal with family (and friends, when permissible), as part of a “Food for the Highways and Byways Fundraising Dinner. Guests are invited to make a donation, with any amounts raised being forwarded to Highways and Byways. We are especially calling on our supporters outside Melbourne, as Melbournians may be restricted for quite some time! Find out more, here!
You’ll be hearing more from us about the Food for the Highways and Byways Fundraising dinners via our Facebook Page.
Photos in the following gallery are thanks to Emmy Sivius, Helen Ryan, Kath Clune MSS, Pat Kelly MSS, Marg Harvey, Corrie van den Bosch MSS and Liz McAloon.
Mark and Amanda Freeman, Wantirna, Victoria
Photo courtesy Amanda Freeman
Photo courtesy Amanda Freeman
Photo courtesy Amanda Freeman
Photo courtesy Amanda Freeman
Photo courtesy Amanda Freeman
From Emmy Sivius Winslow, Victoria
From Emmy Sivius Winslow, Victoria
Helen Ryan, St Kilda, Victoria
Photo courtesy Helen Ryan
Photo courtesy Helen Ryan
Photo Courtesy Helen Ryan
Kath Clune MSS in Clayton, Victoria
Kath Clune MSS in Clayton, Victoria
Liz McAloon, Portarlington, Victoria
Marg Harvey's view from Chadstone, Victoria
Tulips, courtesy Corrie van den Bosch MSS
Photo courtesy Corrie van den Bosch MSS
Photo courtesy Corrie van den Bosch MSS
Photo courtesy Corrie van den Bosch MSS