As we settle into the rhythm of a new year, we share this reflection penned by Corrie van den Bosch MSS for the Contemplative Evolution Network. Corrie writes, “You might appreciate the themes it touches on, as I appreciate them and make them my new year’s resolution.”
“We stand at the threshold of this new year in wonder and awe, and yes, in fear and trembling, contemplating the privilege and the responsibility of our part in the life of the Cosmos.”
We hope you enjoy this reflection. Blessings of love, peace, joy from all of the Missionary Sisters of Service.
The Contemplative Evolution Network (CEN), of which Corrie has been part of for many years, is a network of people from all over the world who seek to change the violent and hurting situations in our world through the power and intention of contemplative time together, and so help evolve the world through Love.