Celebrate the Season of Creation with MSS


All are invited to celebrate with the Missionary Sisters of Service and friends, the ‘Season of Creation’, from 1 September to 4 October. During this time, on each Sunday, we will host a 40-minute ‘pause’ at 4:00pm to reflect on the wonder of our Cosmos and its astonishing 14 billion year story, our own living planet and ourselves as an intimate and interdependent part of it all.

Our pause will be a time of wonder, to reflect, to pray and to care for our common home.

We will gather on Zoom each week and each session will consist of:

  • a presentation on some aspect of Creation
  • followed by a short time for reflection
  • a few minutes in small groups to share your thoughts on the day’s theme with three or four other participants
  • conclude with a blessing

The dates: September 5, 12, 19, 26, October 3

Come for one session or for as many as you can.

To participate, please register by email to Corrie van den Bosch mss. You will be sent the Zoom link to the gatherings.

[Sponsored by the Missionary Sisters of Service, Highways and Byways – A Community of Service and the Carmelite Centre Eco Spirituality Reading Group.]

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