Circles of Silence


Corrie van den Bosh MSS writes in the August 2019 edition of Contemplative Evolution Network about a silent protest in support of our brothers and sisters being held in detention, and prays that we may grow our collective human consciousness of the Oneness of everything

On a cold damp Melbourne June day, around a hundred people of all ages stood silently in a large circle in front of the State Library. By-passers paused to look: what was going on here? We stood in silence, compassionately holding in our hearts our refugee brothers and sisters held in detention. We stood in silence to protest against our government’s asylum-seeker policies. We stood in silence, hoping our silence would penetrate where our voices had not. We stood in silence in solidarity with other circles of silence gathered in other places. It was a deeply moving experience.

Read the full reflection Click here for the CEN-Reflection-August-2019